SIWI Journalist Grant (no later than 30 April)
Are you passionate about water and development? Have you covered these topics in your work but want a chance to learn more and interview major actors in the water community? Have you looked for an opportunity to report on a global water meeting, where world leaders, policy makers, and academics meet representatives from the private sector and civil society to discuss some of the world’s most urgent issues? Apply for the SIWI Journalist Grant!
SIWI offers five journalists from low or low-middle income nations the opportunity to visit World Water Week which takes place in Stockholm between 26 – 31 August 2018.
The SIWI Journalist Grant covers:
- Round-trip air ticket to Stockholm, Sweden
- Public (or equivalent) transport between airport and hotel on arrival and departure
- Full week registration fee for World Water Week
- Certain social events during World Water Week
- Hotel stay during World Water Week
- Meals on half board during World Water Week
- Per diem for meals not provided at World Water Week venue
The SIWI Journalist Grant does not cover:
- Visa, and visa-related costs
- Any insurance
- Transport in Stockholm (excluding public transport to and from Arlanda airport)
- Any extras
Who is eligible to apply?
- You must be a citizen of a nation listed as a low- or low-middle income country by the World Bank. See which countries that are eligible in this list.
- You must be an employee of a media outlet in your country (newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, recognized digital publication) or be able to show proof of continuous freelance journalism activities during the past three years.
- You must have a documented interest in water and water-related issues.
- Since the official language of World Water Week is English, you need to be able to work in English, even if you publish stories in another language.
Find stories by previous years’ winners in the right hand-column.
How to enter:
Send us your application, by email only, to, no later than Monday 30 April, 2018. The application must be in English and include the following:
- Attachments containing scans of, or functioning links to three articles/pieces on water or water-related issues, published in the past three years (2015–2018).
- A brief CV
- A motivation letter (why you want to visit and cover World Water Week) of maximum 400 words
We will notify grant winners in early June, 2018.
For more information about World Water Week, please visit
About the Grant
The SIWI Journalist Grant aims to build capacity in water and water-related issues among journalists active in developing countries, thereby creating potential for raised awareness among large audiences of readers, listeners and viewers. In the long term, a raised level of water knowledge in the journalist corps will contribute to influencing key decision- and policy makers in water and development issues.
We hope that journalists leave World Water Week with a renewed passion for water issues, as well as the ability to carry forward relevant ideas for their communities that raise awareness and galvanize civic engagement.
Ms Rowena Barber, Communications Manager, Outreach & Media Relations +46 8 121 360 39