Workshop for media trainers from EP countries in Berlin (deadline is 1st July)
Are you a journalistic/media trainer from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine? Do you have basic skills in podcasting or mobile reporting? Do you feel the need to get additional skills and learn about teaching concepts, that you can use for training journalists? Are you looking for international contacts to exchange your experiences and expand your network?
If yes, apply for «Snowball effect for stronger media — train the trainer», a two-part-program at the Berlin Journalism School in cooperation with the Armenian NGO Journalists for the future. The training, supported by the German Foreign Office under the program «strengthening cooperation with civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries», will take place in Berlin and in Aghveran (Armenia).
In the first part, seven trainers — who preferably already have basic skills — from all countries of the Eastern Partnership will learn the latest techniques for recording, editing, and streaming over-the-air video clips or audio podcasts in just a few minutes during a six-day mobile reporting or podcasting train-the-trainer program.
The participants will also meet German journalists or experts with a focus on Eastern European topics. This seminar will be held at the Berlin Journalism School (BJS), most likely from August 5th to 11th. At the end of the week, the trainers will develop a guideline for future workshops as well as a concept for one day/part of this workshop they will take in it.
In the second part, those trainers will pass on their skills – also those newly acquired in podcasting and mobile reporting – to 30 Armenian and Georgian journalists in a summer school in Aghveran, most likely in the end of September.
Travel expenses accommodation and costs for visa (if necessary) are taken. For the teaching at the summer school a small remuneration will be paid.
Application is open to English-speaking media/journalism trainers of all ages with at least one year of professional experience from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This might be freelancer as well as employees of NGOs, journalism schools of universities.
Please apply with a cover letter in which you describe both your professional background and the reasons for your application. If possible, describe in a few words what your part in the summer school in Armenia could be, Please indicate who is your target group and how many persons you could reach in future with your newly acquired skills.
Furthermore, we need a detailed curriculum vitae, if possible a proof of your knowledge of English and a confirmation by your employer or an organization you have worked for that you already have experience as a trainer. Please also indicate if you prefer to take part in the podcasting or the mobile reporting course. For the latter one it is preferable, but not mandatory, if participants use ios-systems (Iphone oder Ipad).
Send these documents only via e‑mail (pdf, in total not more than 5 MB) to not later than July 1st, 2018.
Please send only certificates and recommendations if they have a direct connection to your applications, e.g. a prove showing experience as a trainer or international cooperation, but no certificates from university.
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact Clemens Schöll, head of the program