BAJ calls for end to «witch hunt» and use of «anti-extremist» legislation to stifle media
Just last week, media workers from two more regional publications were thrown behind bars. The BAJ estimates that at least 45 journalists are in prison today.
The following statement was released by the Belarusian Association of Journalists:
The situation regarding freedom of speech and the press in Belarus remains one of the most challenging in the world. In the «Press Freedom Index 2024,» Belarus ranks 167 out of 180 countries. Compared to the previous index, Belarus has experienced a 10-place decline.
A recent study by Reporters Without Borders has revealed that Belarus is currently ranked fourth in the world in terms of the number of journalists imprisoned.
In a recent development, two more media teams from regional publications were arrested last week. The BAJ estimates that at least 45 journalists in Belarus are currently imprisoned.
The government employs anti-extremism legislation to impede the operations of independent media outlets. The majority of independent media and media organizations, including the BAJ, have been designated as extremist entities.
In addition to political pressure, Belarusian independent media are facing economic difficulties, and foreign media targeting Belarusian audiences are also experiencing challenges.
Notwithstanding the extensive blocking of websites, the declaration of publications as «extremist,» and the relocation of media outlets, the majority of Belarusian independent media continue to operate at a high professional and technological level. They provide the Belarusian people with independent, objective, and comprehensive information, resisting state propaganda and disinformation from Russia.
The Belarusian Association of Journalists calls upon
Journalists and the media community:
- To stick to the truth, to unite;
- To continue their activities in order to fulfill their mission: to help the public make informed decisions based on complete and truthful information;
- To respect professional standards and rules of journalistic ethics;
- To restore the system of self-regulation of the Belarusian media.
Belarusian society:
- To distinguish facts from propagandistic interpretations;
- To read, listen to and watch independent media (taking into account the requirements of personal safety);
- To take care of themselves.
Belarusian authorities:
- To end «witch hunts» and the use of «anti-extremist» legislation to stifle dissent;
- To release imprisoned journalists and all political prisoners;
- To restore the Belarusian identity in the Belarusian state and prevent its absorption under the guise of integration processes.
International organizations and structures, as well as foreign governments:
- To remember Belarus in this crazy world;
- To demand that the Belarusian authorities fulfill their international human rights obligations, including freedom of expression;
- To continue to support the independent Belarusian media and civil society.
BAJ Board, December 2024