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  • Must stop the genocide together (The Appeal of the NUJU to foreign journalists)

    Dear journalists and media workers of world media,

    We, the National Journalists Union of Ukraine, would like to thank you for the support of Ukraine, which we feel in times of Russian invasion into our country.

    The lat­est hor­ri­fy­ing pho­to-facts from the lib­er­at­ed Ukrain­ian cities of Bucha and Irpin show that crimes against human­i­ty are hap­pen­ing right now. Russ­ian troops in Ukraine are not only fight­ing the Armed Forces of Ukraine but also prac­tic­ing tor­ture, exe­cu­tions and even burn­ing up civil­ians. This is a real geno­cide against the Ukrain­ian peo­ple, and it is hap­pen­ing right now, in the 21st cen­tu­ry! We must stop this togeth­er and nev­er let it hap­pen again wher­ev­er it can hap­pen.

    The enemy’s offense is built upon huge-scale pro­pa­gan­da and dehu­man­iza­tion which are unac­cept­able for all free mankind. As you may know, on Feb­ru­ary 24th, the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion start­ed a war against Ukraine. The full-scale mil­i­tary offense on the Ukrain­ian ter­ri­to­ry goes on, cities and infra­struc­ture are con­stant­ly under attack from the air, sea, and land. Under the pre­text of ‘demil­i­ta­riza­tion’ and ‘denaz­i­fi­ca­tion’ of Ukraine, Rus­sia pur­sues com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent objec­tives, dev­as­tat­ing entire cities and killing inno­cent civil­ians, includ­ing women and chil­dren. This “abstract” approach takes a score in human lives.

    As you are read­ing this let­ter, our peo­ple, schools, hos­pi­tals, kinder­gartens, and res­i­den­tial areas remain under con­stant attacks by the Russ­ian armed forces. There are numer­ous cas­es of mass killing of civil­ians, rape, rob­beries, kid­nap­pings, and exe­cu­tions of civil­ians that have been offi­cial­ly con­firmed by inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tions like the UN. Rus­sia con­tin­ues to open­ly vio­late fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of inter­na­tion­al human­i­tar­i­an law. This approach is unac­cept­able for the free world.

    Thank you for sup­port­ing Ukraine while we stop the offense with­in our ter­ri­to­ry. War is always a hard chal­lenge for reporters. Dozens of col­leagues bring to the world the truth about the hor­rors of the war in Ukraine at the cost of their lives and health. Many of them turned out to be vic­tims of tar­get­ed attacks.

    Here­by we would like to call for your con­cern since the bar­bar­ic atroc­i­ties of the Russ­ian Armed Forces must be shown to the pub­lic. We under­stand that your coun­tries live peace­ful­ly and there is no request for mil­i­tary rhetoric. But from inside war, we can assure you, that fight­ing the war is the gen­er­al inter­est of the whole free world. We should do our best to pre­vent new offens­es, wher­ev­er they come from. For now, the threat comes from Rus­sia and its allies.

    We urge you to go on bring­ing the world’s atten­tion to what is actu­al­ly going on in our coun­try. Besieged and suf­fer­ing cities of Mar­i­upol and Kher­son, heinous shelling of res­i­den­tial areas in Kharkiv, and count­less oth­er war crimes that have already been com­mit­ted by the Russ­ian army. We must not let them turn into World War III. We are sure that your jour­nal­is­tic expe­ri­ence, pro­fes­sion­al con­tacts, and per­sua­sive skills are essen­tial for reveal­ing the truth about the war’s ugly face.

    The world must see the real­i­ty. Please be the ones who help reveal it.

    Sin­cere­ly yours,

    Sergiy Tomilenko,


    The Nation­al Jour­nal­ists Union of Ukraine


    Маємо спинити геноцид разом (Звернення НСЖУ до іноземних журналістів) 1


    Маємо спинити геноцид разом (Звернення НСЖУ до іноземних журналістів) 2


    Маємо спинити геноцид разом (Звернення НСЖУ до іноземних журналістів) 3

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