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    BAJ strongly condemns the court decision on the case of journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich and doctor Artsiom Sarokin

    Belarusian Association of Journalists strongly condemns the court decision on the case of journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich and doctor Artsiom Sarokin They were found guilty of disclosing a medical secret (part 3 of article 178 — "Disclosure of medical secrets, which led to grave consequences").

    BAJ strongly condemns verdict against journalists Daria Chultsova and Katsiaryna Andreyeva

    Belarusian Association of Journalists strongly condemns the court verdict on the case of Belsat journalists Daria Chultsova and Katsiaryna Andreyeva (Bakhvalava).

    Belarusian journalists under crackdown need your support now! BAJ calls for international solidarity


    Statement on recognizing five members of Press Club Belarus as political prisoners


    BAJ urges the immediate release of the Press Club Belarus members STATEMENT


    Three journalists jailed on criminal charges. We demand their immediate release!


    BAJ demands the immediate release of TUT.BY reporter Katsiaryna Barysevich!


    Belarusian Association of Journalists strongly protests against capture of Narodnaya Volia print run STATEMENT


    BAJ, Press Club, and United Media Association call to stop the pressure on the press


    BAJ and media urge authorities to withdraw lawsuit against TUT.BY and stop pressure on media


    BAJ demands the immediate release of Yahor Martsinovich!


    Viasna activist Marfa Rabkova is political prisoner


    BAJ protests over arrests and court rulings against journalists

    On September 4, 2020, the Kastrychnitski court of Minsk sentenced journalists Nadzeya Kalinina and Aliaksei Sudnikau (TUT.BY), Maria Eleshevich, Siarhei Shchehaliou, and Mikita Dubaleka (Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belarusi), and Andrei Shauluha (BelaPAN) to 3 days of jail. The court recognized them as participants in unauthorized protest actions. The journalists were released as their terms were completed.

    BAJ demands to unblock websites, stop pressure on media, and ensure release of publications


    BAJ protests against gross violations of journalists’ and media rights during and after the presidential elections

    In Belarus, the 2020 presidential election campaign has demonstrated unprecedented pressure on journalists.
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