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    Aliaxei Karol Dies aged 70

    On September 12, history and politics scientist, the editor of newspaper Novy Chas Aliaxei Karol died of a serious disease.

    Aliaxei Karol Dies aged 70

    On September 12, history and politics scientist, the editor of newspaper Novy Chas Aliaxei Karol died of a serious disease.

    European Parliament resolution of 10 September 2015 on the situation in Belarus


    European Parliament resolution of 10 September 2015 on the situation in Belarus


    State Monopolist Repeatedly Refuses Services to Independent Newspaper

    On August 31, the newspaper Novy Chas again requested for services of Belsayuzdruk, state distributor of printed press.

    State Monopolist Repeatedly Refuses Services to Independent Newspaper

    On August 31, the newspaper Novy Chas again requested for services of Belsayuzdruk, state distributor of printed press.

    Mass Media Week in Belarus Info-posting August 17 – September 7, 2015

    At the end of August, six political prisoners were released, including BAJ member Yauhen Vaskovich. Meantime, pressure on independent mass media, including prosecution under art. 22.9, denial of services and interference into work of journalists at task continued in its ordinary manner.

    Mass Media Week in Belarus Info-posting August 17 – September 7, 2015

    At the end of August, six political prisoners were released, including BAJ member Yauhen Vaskovich. Meantime, pressure on independent mass media, including prosecution under art. 22.9, denial of services and interference into work of journalists at task continued in its ordinary manner.

    L’etica professionale del giornalista (Anatolij Guljaev)


    Five Years Ago Aleh Byabenin Died

    Aleh Byabenin died in suspicious circumstances. On 3 September 2010, he was found by his brother and his friends hanging from the stairway of his country house outside of Minsk.

    Five Years Ago Aleh Byabenin Died

    Aleh Byabenin died in suspicious circumstances. On 3 September 2010, he was found by his brother and his friends hanging from the stairway of his country house outside of Minsk.

    Monitoring: The Coverage of the 2015 Presidential Election in the Belarusian Media (17–31 August, 2015)

    Без катэгорыі

    Detentions of Journalists

    Без катэгорыі

    Economic Conditions

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    Warnings to Mass Media and Journalists

    Belaru­sian law envis­ages a spe­cif­ic extra-judi­cial sanc­tion against mass media – writ­ten warn­ings from the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion. Accord­ing to art, 49 of the Law on Mass Media, the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion issues a warn­ing against any mass media or an Inter­net resource if: - its actions con­tra­dict to the require­ments of the Law, includ­ing […]
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