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  • Photo Project: About the War, Against the War

    "Commemorative Picture" - this is the title for the photo project about soldiers fighting in Eastern Ukraine, made by photo journalist, BAJ member Alexander Vasiukovich.

    «While cov­er­ing the con­flict in the east of Ukraine, I took many com­mem­o­ra­tive pic­tures. Sol­diers asked me to took their pic­tures, and to send it to them, or their rel­a­tives, friends, wives. Now, a year and a half lat­er, I’ve checked what hap­pened to the peo­ple on those pic­tures.

    Num­ber of killed in a war does­n’t impress us so much. But when you see a face of a dead man, know the place where he was killed — you begin to feel it in a dif­fer­ent way.

    It does­n’t mat­ter which side the sol­dier choos­es. This war or any oth­er — it does­n’t mat­ter, either. This sto­ry repeats every time. And wars bring only death, destruc­tion and loathing.» (с)

    Pho­tos and text cour­tesy of the author


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