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  • BAJ Activists Stand Up for Journalism

    Join the Belarusian Stand up for Journalism campaign online and offline! We stand up for the rights of our persecuted colleagues Ales Dzianisau, Andrei Mialeshka, Ales Zaleuski, Maryna Mauchanava, Ales Burakou, Mikhail Arshynski, Alina Litvinchuk, Vital Siamashka, Yury Dziashuk, Yauhien Skrabiets, Mikalai Bianko, Yuliya Siviets, Sviatlana Stsiapanava, Alena Stsiapanava, Maksim Khliabiets, and a broad number of other journalists, either fined or officially warned for their professional activity.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists con­sid­ers the prob­lem of per­se­cu­tion in rela­tion to free­lance jour­nal­ists, who con­tribute to for­eign media, to be among the most acute chal­lenges, faced by inde­pen­dent media work­ers in the coun­try. The reporters are sub­ject­ed to huge fines and intim­i­dat­ed with offi­cial warn­ings of gov­ern­men­tal struc­tures.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists invites our col­leagues to join the cam­paign either online or offline.

    In par­tic­u­lar, it is pos­si­ble to put your­self in the per­se­cut­ed journalist’s shoes, tak­ing a pic­ture of your­self in the image of the impris­oned media work­er, who “print­ed arti­cles on for­eign Web-sites”, “appeared on for­eign TV and radio”, and got pun­ished for that. The spe­cial cam­paign pho­to-shield can be found at the BAJ Cen­tral Office (Kam­samol­skaya Str., 7–32, Min­sk).

    Also, it is pos­si­ble to play the ‘Accred­i­ta­tion’ on-line game on the Web-site of BAJ.

    A series of video-inter­views with the recent­ly pros­e­cut­ed jour­nal­ists, who con­tribute to for­eign media, can be found in a spe­cial sec­tion on the Web-site of BAJ.

    The BAJ activists in the Belaru­sian regions joined the IFJ cam­paign. In par­tic­u­lar, inde­pen­dent media work­ers from Slonim, Viteb­sk, Brest, Mahilow, Hrod­na, Babruysk, Luninets, Hor­ki, Bia­lyn­ichy and oth­er cities of Belarus stood up for jour­nal­ism in their local cities and towns, either sup­port­ing the nation-wide cam­paign sce­nario or cre­at­ing their own ver­sions of local cam­paigns.



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