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  • Belarusian Customs Office Seize“Extremist” Products from Ukrainian Journalists


    The information appeared on Facebook page of Alexander Doniy: he and four his colleagues were going to Vilnius via Belarus with the cultural program Last Barricade which is broadcast on the Ukrainian Central channel.

    The search­es on the bor­der last­ed five hours.

    The Ukraini­ans were accused of an attempt to import “extrem­ist print and audio prod­ucts”. In all, 22 copies were seized: five discs of the doc­u­men­tary “Ukrain­ian rev­o­lu­tion” about the events in 1917 – 1921, discs “Musi­cal Hun­dred. Maj­dan”, the disc “Last Bar­ri­cade” and a disc about Golodomor in Ukraine. Also 11 books were con­fis­cat­ed, among them – “Con­fes­sion from a cell of the sen­tenced to death”, “Mar­shal Zhukov. Ukraini­ans in the 2nd world war”. Also the bor­der guards asked about video and pho­to cam­eras.

    The cus­toms office want­ed the jour­nal­ists to wash off the words “Last Bar­ri­cade” writ­ten on their microbus.

    (Cor­rec­tions: it was seizure, not con­fis­ca­tion, per­formed by cus­toms office)

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