Aliaksandr Mantsevich, head of Rehijanalnaja Hazeta, receives four-year prison sentence and huge fine
In his final words, Mantsevich spoke of his well-known ancestors, his life-long dedication to the newspaper, and his civic duties.
“I hear my ancestors’ voices, I have never betrayed my homeland. I love my fellow citizens and the country of Belarus. While imprisoned, I was unable to erect a monument on my father’s grave before the anniversary of his death.
I am not a visionary, but I believe that, eventually, a street will bear the name of Rehijanalnaja Hazeta, which bolstered the Belarusian people’s standing, addressed readers’ interests, and reported the truth…
I am not guilty of anything. It’s unfortunate that I cannot teach my grandson new words in Belarusian as a grandfather. Additionally, my daughter cannot explain to him where I am, but he will not feel embarrassed of me. It is also disappointing that Rehijanalnaja Hazeta could have continued to exist for many years but had to halt the print version and shift its focus to online in July 2021. I do not confess to any wrongdoing.”
In January 2023, the Ministry of Information added Rehijanalnaja Hazeta’s website and Telegram channel to the National List of Extremist Materials following the Maladzechna District Court’s decision. The editorial office was raided by law enforcement, and the editor-in-chief was detained. Additionally, the court declared the content of the publication on Vkontakte as “extremist.”
Aliaksandr Mantsevich used to be the chief editor of Rehijanalnaja Hazeta, an independent media that covered life in Maladzechna and the Minsk and Hrodna Regions. He got arrested on 15 March 2023, after a raid in his home in Vileika, and from then on, he has been in custody.
At that time, the editorial team’s homes were also searched by law enforcement. They seized office equipment and money and made everyone sign a non-disclosure statement.
Allegedly, Aliaksandr Mantsevich, as the head of the editorial board of Rehijanalnaja Hazeta, along with other persons, spread false information that discredited the Belarusian government and its power. This was done through the newspaper and social media platforms over a period from 1 January 2020 to 15 March 2023.
The prosecution asserts that the articles contained incorrect information that was intended to cause significant harm to the state, public welfare, and national interests. This information degraded the authority of the country and its officials. It also caused unrest among citizens of Belarus since it provided false ideas about the violation of their rights and freedoms.