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  • Journalists Accused of Participation in an Unsanctioned Protest Action (Upd)


    On the evening November 24, the police drew up administrative reports against some journalists who covered an action of protest in Minsk.

    The action took place from 6 to 7 pm, from the cen­tral store GUM to Inde­pen­dence Square. Rights at the square, the police drew up reports for par­tic­i­pa­tion in an unsanc­tioned mass event against some par­tic­i­pants and against three jour­nal­ists – Hali­na Abakunchyk (Radio Svabo­da), Kat­siary­na Andreye­va (Nar­o­d­naya Volya news­pa­per) and Dzmit­ry Halko (Novy Chas newspaper).All the jour­nal­ists pre­sent­ed their press cre­den­tials, but the police ignored it. Nobody was detained, but the jour­nal­ists were informed they would be sum­moned to court for vio­la­tion of admin­is­tra­tive arti­cle 23.34 (par­tic­i­pa­tion in an unsanc­tioned mass event). The penal­ty envis­ages a fine of up to 40 basic amounts or an admin­is­tra­tive arrest.

    The next day, how­ev­er, the police press ser­vice said that the reports against the jour­nal­ists had not been com­piled. «The employ­ees said they start­ed to write the report, but then under­stood that these were jour­nal­ists, and stopped it.»

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