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  • Minsk City Court Upholds Arrest Sentence to Belsat Cameraman

    Today, the Minsk City Court heard the appeal of Aliaksandr Barazenka, cameraman of Belsat, who has been sentenced to 15 days' arrest allegedly for cursing. 


    It took for Judge Ihar Liubav­it­s­ki 20 min­utes to issue the deci­sion. He watched the video where the jour­nal­ist says he was a jour­nal­ist and noth­ing else. The jour­nal­ist had not been tak­en to court for appeal, his inter­ests were rep­re­sent­ed by a lawyer.

    Ali­ak­san­dr Barazen­ka is on hunger strike at Akrestsi­na: he only drinks water, juice and prison tea. His sen­tence ends on Sun­day, at 3 pm.

    Belsat Cameraman Goes on Hunger Strike (+ Audio of Detention)

    Union of Journalists of Ukraine Appeals to Lukashenko to Release Journalist of Belsat (Ru)

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