Congratulations to Sviatlana Alexievich with Nobel Prize in Literature
Congratulations to Sviatlana Alexievich with Nobel Prize in Literature
Baranavichy City Electoral Commission Denied Information to Intex-press
Baranavichy City Electoral Commission Denied Information to Intex-press
Vitebsk Communal Services Painted Over the Graffiti of Birds
Vitebsk Communal Services Painted Over the Graffiti of Birds
Meeting for foreign journalists with presidential candidates, experts, and Belarusian journalists
Meeting for foreign journalists with presidential candidates, experts, and Belarusian journalists
Statement of BAJ Denouncing Hacker Attack on Belapan Websites
Statement of BAJ Denouncing Hacker Attack on Belapan Websites
Website of Independent News Agency Attacked (Updated with Statement)
Website of Independent News Agency Attacked (Updated with Statement)
Mass Media Week in Belarus Info-posting September 14 – October 4, 2015
Several of the violations registered by the Monitoring group of BAJ directly or indirectly related to the electoral campaign.
Mass Media Week in Belarus Info-posting September 14 – October 4, 2015
Chairperson of BT Gets Away with a Violation of Electoral Law
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