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  • Yan Roman detained in Hrodna. Police inspects Dzianisau’s apartment. Updated

    On the morning of March 17 Hrodna police arrested journalist Yan Roman, near his home. The police "examined" his apartment and seized his phone and laptop. In the afternoon the police came with "inspection" to the home of journalist Ales Dzianisau.

    They claim, Roman alleged­ly paid admin­is­tra­tive fines for two per­sons, who had been pun­ished for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the protests. Thus, he fund­ed the protests in the coun­try.

    The jour­nal­ist’s sta­tus in the case is still not report­ed. He is in the police depart­ment at the moment.

    «An immediate kick — and my teeth have been knocked out, and glasses broken.» TV journalist beaten in Hrodna

    Yan Roman works with Pol­ish TV, cov­er­ing  his­to­ry and cul­ture. He is a mem­ber of BAJ. On August 10 he was severe­ly beat­en near the Kas­trych­nit­s­ki dis­trict police depart­ment of Hrod­na, where he was to meet his col­leagues upon release. Police­men in civil­ian clothes knocked out his teeth, broke his nose and a face bone. Roman had a large haematoma around his eys, bro­ken glass­es and dam­aged leg.

    About 4 p.m., police came to «inspect» the apart­ment of jour­nal­ist Ales Dzian­isau. Only his daugh­ter, 18, was at home.  Ales’ wife was at work, and he was out of town. 

    The inspec­tion was part of the same check-up, as in Roman’s case.

    It end­ed after a few hours, with  police seiz­ing two lap­tops, four mobile phones, and a num­ber of stick­ers.

    Ales daugh­ter, Daria, is safe. She was alone in the apart­ment when the inspec­tion took place.

    Daria says, the offi­cers want­ed to know if she knew Hrod­na jour­nal­ists Ali­ak­sei Kairys and Andrei Mialesh­ka.

    Dzian­isau is not in Hrod­na today.

    Ales Dzian­isau is a free­lance cam­era­man, musi­cian, and leader of Dzieciu­ki band. He also suf­fered police vio­lence in the sum­mer of 2020. He was detained on August 11, and the police smashed his face and injured his leg. He was charged with dis­or­der­ly con­duct (Art. 17.1 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code). Lat­er the charges were dropped.

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