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  • Yauhen Vaskovich Released

    On August 22, Aliaksandr Lukashenka released six political prisoners, including BAJ member Yauhen Vaskovich.

    The 24-year old man had worked for Bobruyskiy Couri­er for some time before the impris­on­ment.

    In May 2011, Yauhen Vaskovich and two oth­er fel­lows were sen­tenced to 7 years in prison for attack­ing the KGB build­ing in Babruysk (on the night of Octo­ber 17, 2010). They were found guilty of hooli­gan­ism and caus­ing cost­ly dam­age to prop­er­ty (the dam­age to the out­er façade was esti­mat­ed at 253 000 Br, which was in 2010 about 85$). Yauhen Vaskovich was serv­ing the term in Mahilou prison No4.

    Pavel Syra­malotau plead­ed for par­don and was released in Sep­tem­ber 2012. Yauhen Vaskovich and Art­siom Prakapen­ka refused to appeal for par­don. The impris­on­ment term would have end­ed for them on Jan­u­ary 17, 2018.

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