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    Narodnaya Volya SMM worker detained

    The security forces detained Anastasia Sharkevich who administered the Narodnaya Volya Telegram channel, as reported by a pro-regime Telegram channel. Zerkalo informs that Sharkevich is accused of calling for blocking traffic, mass riots, and other illegal actions.

    Andrei Bastunets lodges individual complaint to UN HRC over BAJ’s forced liquidation

    The individual communication is filed under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

    RFE/RL Belarus director resigns after 25 years

    Aliaksandr Lukashuk, RFE/RL Belarus director, is leaving the agency, Radio Liberty reports.

    Journalist Pavel Padabed taken into custody after 15 days of administrative detention

    February 4 was to mark the release date of cameraman Pavel Padabed from 15-day administrative detention. However, the Belarusian Association of Journalists found out that he was transferred to Minsk pre-trial detention center and a criminal case was brought against him instead.

    Freedom of media and sustainable development — Belarus

    The achievement of sustainable development goals in Belarus is undoubtedly impossible without independent media and journalists allowing the general public access to information of public interest. However, the state of media freedom and the right of access to information in Belarus is deteriorating year by year. The 2020 presidential election period has been a critical milestone that launched a large-scale policy process against independent media, accompanied by official attempts to control all information dissemination, as well as suppress dissent.

    Viktar Malisheuski appointed new KYKY.org editor-in-chief

    In an unusual utopian column, KYKY.org media announced that Viktar Malisheuski, a well-known Belarusian journalist, became the new editor-in-chief of the publication.

    Final charges laid against media manager Kanstantsin Zalatykh

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists was informed that on 31 January, the final indictment was brought against Kanstantsin Zalatykh, director of the Belorusy i Rynok newspaper. He has been in custody for eight months now. As lawyers of political prisoners are bound by strict conditions on non-disclosure pledges, they refrain from any comments.

    List of “extremist” content updated: Ukrainian TV channel, film about Pavel Sharamet, popular pranker’s pages

    The Ministry of Information updated the Republican Extremist Content List. New media from Belarus and Ukraine and certain video content were declared extremist.

    Ivan Murauyou to be transferred to Babrujsk correctional facility after appeal

    Relatives of convicted videographer Ivan Murauyou were informed about the designated facility in which he is going to serve his sentence.

    volkovysk.by website and online community declared extremist formation

    January 24, the State Security Committee included the volkovysk.by site and affiliated social media pages in the list of extremist formations.

    Pavel Mazheika’s remand detention extended for another month

    Hrodna journalist and public figure Pavel Mazheika’s detention term ended on 31 January but was extended for another month. It has been six months since he is behind bars.

    Journalist Pavel Padabed detained for 15 days

    The cameraman “disappeared” on 20 January after making some payments at the post office. He never appeared for his following appointment.

    Imprisoned Radio Liberty journalist Ihar Losik allowed correspondence with his wife

    RFE/RL Belarus reports that Ihar Losik, convicted in December 2021 to 15 years of imprisonment, received official permission to correspond with his wife Daria Losik, who is also in custody since 18 October 2022. Before the sentence was passed on to Daria, they were not allowed to exchange letters.

    Support imprisoned journalist Andrei Aliaksandrau and win original Liverpool FC T‑shirt

    BYSOL Fund that is created to support the people persecuted by the Belarusian regime will hold a charity raffle dedicated to the 45th birthday of Andrei Aliaksandrau, a convicted journalist. Participants will compete for a t-shirt from the Liverpool football club, of which the political prisoner has been a big fan.

    Health of imprisoned journalist Siarhei Satsuk deteriorates

    In his letters, Siarhei Satsuk, editor of the Ezhednevnik newspaper, complains that the administration of the remand prison in Mahiliou, where he stays awaiting the consideration of his appeal, refuses to give him the necessary heart medication. As a result, his heart “is out of whack”.
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