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  • Congratulations to Sviatlana Alexievich with Nobel Prize in Literature


    BAJ congratulates Sviatlana Alexievich with winning the Nobel Prize in Literature which was announced today by the Swedish Academy.

    Doznes of col­leagues, friends, jour­nal­ists met Svi­at­lana Alex­ievich near the edi­to­r­i­al office of Nasha Niva where the writer was going to give an online inter­view.

    «I am extreme­ly hap­py for Svi­at­lana as a cre­ator, as a writer, as a per­son,» said Zhan­na Litv­ina, ex-chair of BAJ.

    «For me per­son­al­ly Svi­at­lana is a sub­tle con­nois­seur of a human nature. Each her line com­pels to think. She can touch the most sen­si­tive strings, raise the deep­est feel­ings of the mind. She makes her read­ers real­ize what they have only felt by intu­ition…   

    Many years ago I was lucky to be togeth­er with Valiantsin Taras and Svi­at­lana Alex­ievich in Ger­many — there were also many meet­ings with the pub­lic, the read­ers. But most of all I remem­bered the min­utes free from the meet­ings, when the two intel­lec­tu­als start­ed to talk. And I, as the only lis­ten­er of the dia­logues, had the only wish — not to dis­turb the har­mon­ic flow of the thoughts, and just lis­ten.»

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