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  • Journalists Lubou Luniouva and Dzmitry Soltan receive long arrests

    Belsat reporters Lubou Luniova and Dzmitry Buyanau (Soltan) were detained on the job on 8 February. The police detained him for alleged disorderly conduct (Art. 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences).

    February 10 Judge Maryna Fiodarava sentenced the journalists to administrative arrests: 10 days to Lubou, and 15 days -- to Dzmitry.

    The jour­nal­ists were detained by Savet­s­ki police depart­ment offi­cers, when doing a vox pop on a Min­sk street.  Then they were trans­ferred from a police sta­tion to Akrestsi­na jail.

    Savet­s­ki dis­trict police offi­cer Miki­ta Bel­s­ki wit­nessed in court. Here is how he described the events:

    «In the lob­by of Savet­s­ki police depart­ment Dzmit­ry expressed dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the police offi­cers, dis­turbed their work, talked loud­ly, called the police offi­cers nazis and death squads. Police cap­tain Viachaslau Hro­mau made repeat­ed remarks to Dzmit­ry.»

    Ear­li­er, on Decem­ber 7, Lubou Lunio­va was detained, along with cam­era­man Ivan Kurake­vich, at the Wis­dom March in Min­sk. They were about to start report­ing, but were imme­di­ate­ly detained. After some time at the police sta­tion and Akrestsi­na jail,

    cam­era­man Ivan Kurake­vich received 15 days of arrest, and Lubou Lunio­va got a fine of about 280 Euro.


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